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The TEMT Family is our way of getting to know you better and to help spread the word of TEMT. We’ll send you goodies, discounts and invite you to events, plus you’ll get to be among the first to try any of our upcoming new products and to share them amongst your friends. Find out how to join us below.

Join our TemtFamily and get a free trial pack  + 30% off for every friend you bring to TEMT

How does it work?

Just sign up below to get started. 

Use the link above to sign up

Fill out our survey and get 30% off for any items in our shop!

Invite friends to give them discounts, and for every friend that makes a purchase, you’ll get 30% off too!

From time to time we’ll ask you to review new products too and invite you to some of our exclusive events too.

Meet some of our TEMT Family


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Please let us know a few more details, so we can personalize your TemtFamily experience. These fields are optional.

One last thing: time to set your password

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    Welcome on board.

    Thanks for your interest in TEMTFamily! Due to popular demand, we’ve had to pause new registrations temporarily. We’d love to have you join the Family at another time – please do try again later!