A cream that helps to maintain the skin’s regeneration of fresh collagen and creates a sense of calm and harmony to the skin’s overall feel.
A cream that helps to maintain the skin’s regeneration of fresh collagen and creates a sense of calm and harmony to the skin’s overall feel.
Total Reviews
A cream that helps to maintain the skin’s regeneration of fresh collagen and creates a sense of calm and harmony to the skin’s overall feel.
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Tatiana –
Ein tolles Produkt, feuchtigkeitsspendend,, hinterlässt ein angenehmes Gefühl auf der Haut, zieht schnell ein!Vielen Dank!
Nikolina Jugović –
Imam 22 godine pa možda ova krema nije još za mene, no svidjela mi se jako. Lijepo hidratizira, a još ljepše miriši. Nije mi napravila dodatan nered na licu, a imam akne.
Mina –
Great texture and outcome
Karin Bruh –
OMG !!! There is nothing better then the „ collagen boost cream „ It’s my every day night cream Can’t be without it