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1.0TEMThttps://drtemt.atjulian.kossmann x TEMT Gewinnspiel - TEMTrich600338<blockquote class="wp-embedded-content" data-secret="PibFTa1MMc"><a href="">SuperCycle x TEMT Gewinnspiel</a></blockquote><iframe sandbox="allow-scripts" security="restricted" src="" width="600" height="338" title="“SuperCycle x TEMT Gewinnspiel” — TEMT" data-secret="PibFTa1MMc" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" scrolling="no" class="wp-embedded-content"></iframe><script>
* WordPress inline HTML embed
* @since 4.4.0
* @output wp-includes/js/wp-embed.js
* Single line comments should not be used since they will break
* the script when inlined in get_post_embed_html(), specifically
* when the comments are not stripped out due to SCRIPT_DEBUG
* being turned on.
(function ( window, document ) {
'use strict';
/* Abort for ancient browsers. */
if ( ! document.querySelector || ! window.addEventListener || typeof URL === 'undefined' ) {
/** @namespace wp */
window.wp = window.wp || {};
/* Abort if script was already executed. */
if ( !! window.wp.receiveEmbedMessage ) {
* Receive embed message.
* @param {MessageEvent} e
window.wp.receiveEmbedMessage = function( e ) {
var data =;
/* Verify shape of message. */
if (
! ( data || data.secret || data.message || data.value ) ||
/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/.test( data.secret )
) {
var iframes = document.querySelectorAll( 'iframe[data-secret="' + data.secret + '"]' ),
blockquotes = document.querySelectorAll( 'blockquote[data-secret="' + data.secret + '"]' ),
allowedProtocols = new RegExp( '^https?:$', 'i' ),
i, source, height, sourceURL, targetURL;
for ( i = 0; i < blockquotes.length; i++ ) {
blockquotes[ i ].style.display = 'none';
for ( i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++ ) {
source = iframes[ i ];
if ( e.source !== source.contentWindow ) {
source.removeAttribute( 'style' );
if ( 'height' === data.message ) {
/* Resize the iframe on request. */
height = parseInt( data.value, 10 );
if ( height > 1000 ) {
height = 1000;
} else if ( ~~height < 200 ) {
height = 200;
source.height = height;
} else if ( 'link' === data.message ) {
/* Link to a specific URL on request. */
sourceURL = new URL( source.getAttribute( 'src' ) );
targetURL = new URL( data.value );
if (
allowedProtocols.test( targetURL.protocol ) && === &&
document.activeElement === source
) { = data.value;
function onLoad() {
var iframes = document.querySelectorAll( 'iframe.wp-embedded-content' ),
i, source, secret;
for ( i = 0; i < iframes.length; i++ ) {
/** @var {IframeElement} */
source = iframes[ i ];
secret = source.getAttribute( 'data-secret' );
if ( ! secret ) {
/* Add secret to iframe */
secret = Math.random().toString( 36 ).substring( 2, 12 );
source.src += '#?secret=' + secret;
source.setAttribute( 'data-secret', secret );
* Let post embed window know that the parent is ready for receiving the height message, in case the iframe
* loaded before wp-embed.js was loaded. When the ready message is received by the post embed window, the
* window will then (re-)send the height message right away.
source.contentWindow.postMessage( {
message: 'ready',
secret: secret
}, '*' );
window.addEventListener( 'message', window.wp.receiveEmbedMessage, false );
document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', onLoad, false );
})( window, document );
HELLO SPRING HELLO NEW BEGINNINGS! Spürst du auch dieses Kribbeln immer dann, wenn sich die ersten Sonnenstrahlen blicken lassen und die Tage langsam länger werden? Wir sprechen natürlich von diesem wunderschönen Frühlingsgefühl. Lust auf ein Dance-Cycling Work-out oder eine intensive Beauty Session, um den Frühlingsbeginn angemessen zu feiern? Nimm an unserem SuperCycle x TEMT Gewinnspiel […]